  1. The sum of two numbers is 60 and the greater number is 8 more than thrice the smaller number. Find the numbers.

    2 Marks

  2. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 21 cm. If the length of the congruent sides is greater than base by 3 cm, then find the length of each side of the isosceles triangle.

    2 Marks

  3. Two numbers are in the ratio 3:4. If 8 is added to each number, their new ratio becomes 4:5. Find the numbers.

    2 Marks

  4. Ali is three times as old as John. After 3 years, Ali will be two and half times as old as John. Find their present ages.

    2 Marks

  5. Sum of ages of mother and her daughter is 60. After 15 years, mother’s age will be twice as that of her daughters age at that time. Find their present ages.

    2 Marks

  6. Three chairs and two tables cost ₹ 1850. Five chairs and three tables cost ₹ 2850. Find the cost of four chairs and one table.

    2 Marks

  7. A two digit number is four times the sum of its digits. If 18 is added to the number, the new number obtained is that by interchanging the digits of the original number. Find the number.

    2 Marks

  8. The denominator of a fraction is 4 more than twice the numerator. When both numerator and denominator are decreased by 6, then the denominator becomes 12 times the numerator. Find the fraction.

    2 Marks

  9. The monthly income of Yusuf and Joseph is in the ratio 4 : 3. Each of them saves Rs. 600 per month. If the ratio of their expenditurs is 3 : 2, then what is the monthly income of Yusuf ?

    2 Marks

  10. The length of a rectangle is 2 cm more than twice its breadth. Perimeter of the rectangle is 82 cm. Find its length and breadth.

    2 Marks

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26 February 2021 at 14:52