3 Marks Each
1. From the given determinants, form two equations in two variables: D = | 4 - 3 2 5 | , D x = | 5 - 3 9 5 | , D y = | 4 5 2 9 |
2. I kept number 75 in mind. Write the condition showing the relation between the digits. Write the relation between the original number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits.
3. Write any two simultaneous equations in which the values of the variables are 12 and 10.
4. I hired an autorikshaw to go home from the station. The fare was ₹ x/- for the first km. and ₹ y/- for the subsequent kilometers. The total fare was ₹ 40/- for 10 km. and ₹ 58/- for 16 km. What was the fare for the first km.?
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