Identify the endothermic and exothermic reactions:
a. $\ce{HCl + NaOH -> NaCl + H2O + Heat}$
This is an exothermic recation.1 Mark
b. $\ce{2KClO3_{(s)} ->[\Delta] 2KCl _{(s)} + 3O2 ^}$
This is an endothermic recation.1 Mark
c. $\ce{CaO + H2O -> Ca(OH)2 + Heat}$
This is an exothermic recation.1 Mark
d. $\ce{CaCO3_{(s)} ->[\Delta] CaO _{(s)} + CO2 ^}$
This is an endothermic recation.1 Mark

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12 August 2019 at 02:02