The bottom of a swimming pool appears raised. ??
  1. The rays of light coming from the bottom of a swimming pool bend away from the normal as they travel from water (denser medium) to air (rarer medium).
  2. Hence, they appear to come from point above the actual point from which they come from.
  3. Therefore, the bottom of the swimming pool appears raised.
2 Marks
The Sun is seen on the horizon a little before sunrise. 76
  1. The Earth is surrounded by an atmosphere, which is denser near the surface of the earth.
  2. When the rays of light from the Sun enter the Earth's atmosphere from outer space, they travel from rarer medium to denser medium and on refraction, they bend towards the normal.
  3. Thus, even when the sun is below the horizon while rising its rays reach us due to refraction and the Sun appears to be on the horizon.
  4. Therefore, the Sun is seen on the horizon a little before sunrise.
2 Marks

Watch Video (1:16):

A video by Merit Nation explaining advanced sunrise and delayed sunset:

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23 September 2019 at 04:51

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