How are the food stuffs and their nutrient contents useful for body?
The food stuff and their nutrient contents are primarily responsible for producing energy which we need to carry out various life processes. Apart from this, the nutrients help in growth and development of our body. They are responsible for developing our immune system.
Click Here to read more about the topic in an article by National Geographic Education.
What is the importance of balanced diet for body?
Balanced diet comprises of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in the right proportion.
Each of these nutrients has a specific important function.
Balanced diet is essential for good physical and mental health.
Any imbalance in the diet may lead to a variety of metabolic disorders and facilitate the onset of diseases.
Thus, balanced diet is important for body.
Which different functions are performed by muscles in body?
Muscles have a range of functions like pumping blood and supporting movement e.g. lifting heavy weights or giving birth.
Movement is caused by contraction or relaxation of muscles.
The movement may be voluntary or involuntary.
What is the importance of digestive juices in digestive system?
Digestive juices contain various enzymes. Enzymes help in digestion of food. They convert complex food molecules into simpler form. e.g. proteins are converted to amino acids, complex carbohydrates are converted into glucose and lipids are converted into to fatty acids and alcohols.
Which system is in action for removal of waste materials produced in human body?
Excretory system is in action for the removal nitrogenous waste produced in human body.
What is the role of circulatory system in energy production?
The circulatory system transports glucose (from the digestive system) and oxygen (from the respiratory system) to every cell of the body. RBCs in blood (pumped by the heart) carry oxygen. In every cell, glucose molecules are oxidised using this oxygen and energy is released. We use this energy for various life processes.
How are the various processes occurring in human body controlled? In how many ways?
Various processes occuring in the human body are controlled by the nervous system and the endocrine system (chemical control).
Nervous control is brought about with the help of brain, spinal cord and nerves.
Chemical control is brought about with the help of hormones secreted by endocrine glands.